Earthquake of magnitude 8.5 hits Indonesia!

Massive earthquake of magnitude 8.5-8.9 rocked Indonesia and tremor is felt in 20+ countries including India. A tsunami warning is issued for the whole Indian Ocean.

Mild tremors were felt in Chennai, Cochin, Kolkata and Guwahati after the  massive earthquake measuring 8.7 on the Richter scale. Tsunami warning is issued to as many as 28 countries.

India issues has issued tsunami warning for Andaman and Nicobars.

The quake was in roughly in the same area as a Dec 26, 2004, quake of 9.1 magnitude, which sent huge tsunami waves crashing into Sumatra, where 1,70,000 people were killed, and across the Indian Ocean.


Indonesia - As seen in a world map - Courtesy : Wikipedia