File Income Tax Return Online : Procedures You Must Know
Filing Income Tax Return is a head ache to many. As a salaried employee, whether or not you are liable to pay income tax, it is mandatory to file Income Tax Return. Now the process is easy, as the IT returns can be filed online. To start with, it will be good, if you can browse through the below given links first, to get a brief idea regarding the basics.
- e-filing of Income Tax Return Mandatory or Not?
- How to file income tax return? Basics – Online or Offline ITR
Though many sites may be able to help your Income Tax Return filings by charging a fee,the below link is official ( and offers you with free services of e-filing ITR and helps to view your Form 26AS for free.
Steps for filing Income Tax Returns Online
NB: If you need screen shot assistance for filing IT returns, refer the below link. As the web-interface may change over time, we advice understanding the concepts as more useful. Link : File Income Tax Return Online for Free: Step by Step Guide (with screen shots).
Step 1: Register in this website to get a Username and Password for future logins.
- Keep your PAN number ready.

Official Website for Income Tax Return Filing
Step2: View your Tax Credit Statement(Form 26 AS)
You can view it from My Account Tab in the website.Select the drop down menu option.
What is Tax Credit Statement(Form 26AS)?
- Details of tax deducted on behalf of the taxpayer by deductors
- Details of tax collected on behalf of the taxpayer by collectors
- Advance tax/self assessment tax/regular assessment tax, etc. deposited by the taxpayers (PAN holders)
- Details of paid refund received during the financial year
- Details of the High value Transactions in respect of shares, mutual fund etc.
NB: Form 26 AS is different from the Form 16, which is the normal tax form you get from your employer.
Step3: Login to your Account and Select the right Assessment year.
Step 4: Select the right ITR form:
ITR-1 is the most common one (for salaried employees). But it can be different for business men or senior citizens. Please make sure you are using the right form. This is very important.
Step5: Fill your salary and tax details in the ITR form:
Form can be downloaded as PDF or Excel utility.
Step 6: After verification submit the form online.
Usually the form to be uploaded will be in XML format.
Step 7: Take the print out of ITR-V (ITR Verification form), sign it manually and send it to Income Tax office.
This ends the main steps of Income Tax Return filing.You will get notification email from department once the process is done.
And if you have opted for refund directly to your bank account, you will get amount credited to your bank account. Else you will get it as check. Happy e-filing of returns!!!
Additional websites which can help:
Disclaimer:This are just guidelines for Income Tax Return filing with the intention of helping users for fast and free e-filing. We are not responsible for any discrepancies or difficulties users face during the process.Kindly check with IT department if you face any problems.