RailRadar – Know The Current Location of Trains in Google Map
Railradar! One of the awesome examples of technology advancements in India! The current geographical location of any train is now available on a Google Map. Thanks to the service the RailRadar – a collaboration by Indian Railways in the site trainenquiry.com.
National Train Inquiry System – Finding Status of a Train
The National Train Inquiry System already allows to find the current status of running or scheduled trains at trainenquiry,com, but now at railradar.trainenquiry.com, the location is available as a graphical representation on a google map.
At RailRadar, you can zoom-in to any location on the map to see all the trains which are arriving at the station or have just departed. The left sidebar can be expanded to search trains by name, by train number or by the station name.

If you click a particular train, the map will also show the exact route of the train including all the stops and the current location of the train. There is also an option to bookmark your favorite trains.
Trains running on time:
Those trains highlighted in blue indicate trains that are running on time while the red markers indicate trains that are delayed or behind schedule.
PS : The service to track train movement by SMS, SIMRAN, has been closed.